朱朝喆. 近红外光谱脑功能成像. 北京:科学出版社,2020 (“十三五”国家重点出版物规划项目);
朱朝喆. 脑-计算机交互研究前沿(第八章): fNIRS脑-机接口及神经反馈. 上海:上海交通大学出版社,2019,(脑计划出版工程: 类脑计算与类脑智能研究前沿系列)
1. Liu, F., Zhang, Z., Chen, Y., Wei, L., Xu, Y., Li, Z., & Zhu, C.* (2023). MNI2CPC: A probabilistic cortex-to-scalp mapping for non-invasive brain stimulation targeting. Brain Stimulation, 16(6), 1733-1742. [PDF]
2. Chen, Y., Jiang, Y., Zhang, Z., Li, Z., & Zhu, C.* (2023). Transcranial magnetic stimulation mapping of the motor cortex: comparison of five estimation algorithms. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17, 1301075. [PDF]
3. Cao, Z., Xiao, X., Zhao, Y., Jiang, Y., Xie, C., Paillère-Martinot, M. L., … & Zhu, C.* (2023). Targeting the pathological network: Feasibility of network-based optimization of transcranial magnetic stimulation coil placement for treatment of psychiatric disorders. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, 1079078. [PDF]
4. Wei, L., Chen, Y., Kong, G., Jiang, Y., Wang, J., Tang, Y., & Zhu, C.* (2023). The DLPFC-SGC functional connection predicts the plasticity response of SGC to rTMS. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 16(5), 1448-1449. [PDF]
5. Jiang, Y., Du, B., Chen, Y., Wei, L., Zhang, Z., Cao, Z., … & Zhu, C.* (2022). A scalp-measurement based parameter space: Towards locating TMS coils in a clinically-friendly way. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 15(4), 924-926. [PDF]
6. Kong, G., Wei, L., Wang, J., Zhu, C.*, & Tang, Y. (2022). The therapeutic potential of personalized connectivity-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation target over group-average target for depression. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 15(5), 1063-1064. [PDF]
7. Zhang, Z., Li, Z., Xiao, X., Zhao, Y., Zuo, X. N., & Zhu, C.* (2021). Transcranial brain atlas for school-aged children and adolescents. Brain Stimulation, 14(4), 895-905. [PDF]
8. Hou, X., Zhang, Z., Zhao, C., Duan, L., Gong, Y., Li, Z., & Zhu, C.* (2021). NIRS-KIT: a MATLAB toolbox for both resting-state and task fNIRS data analysis. Neurophotonics, 8(1), 010802-010802. [PDF]
9. Zhao, Y., Sun, P. P., Tan, F. L., Hou, X., & Zhu, C.* Z. (2021). NIRS-ICA: a MATLAB toolbox for independent component analysis applied in fNIRS studies. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 15, 683735. [PDF]
10. Hou, X., Xiao, X., Gong, Y., Jiang, Y., Sun, P., Li, J., … & Zhu, C.* (2021). Functional near-infrared spectroscopy neurofeedback of cortical target enhances hippocampal activation and memory performance. Neuroscience Bulletin, 37(8), 1251-1255. [PDF]
11. Hou, X., Xiao, X., Gong, Y., Li, Z., Chen, A., & Zhu, C.* (2021). Functional near-infrared spectroscopy neurofeedback enhances human spatial memory. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15, 681193. [PDF]
12. Zhao, Y., Xiao, X., Jiang, Y. H., Sun, P. P., Zhang, Z., Gong, Y. L., … & Zhu, C.* Z. (2021). Transcranial brain Atlas‐based optimization for functional near‐infrared spectroscopy optode arrangement: theory, algorithm, and application. Human Brain Mapping, 42(6), 1657-1669. [PDF]
13. Liu, T., Duan, L., Dai, R., Pelowski, M., & Zhu, C.* (2021). Team-work, team-brain: exploring synchrony and team interdependence in a nine-person drumming task via multiparticipant hyperscanning and inter-brain network topology with fNIRS. NeuroImage, 237, 118147. [PDF]
14. Jiang, Y., Li, Z., Zhao, Y., Xiao, X., Zhang, W., Sun, P., … & Zhu, C.* (2020). Targeting brain functions from the scalp: Transcranial brain atlas based on large-scale fMRI data synthesis. NeuroImage, 210, 116550. [PDF]
15. Zhang, Y., & Zhu, C.* (2020). Assessing brain networks by resting-state dynamic functional connectivity: an fNIRS-EEG study. Frontiers in neuroscience, 13, 497285. [PDF]
16. Xiao, X., Yu, X., Zhang, Z., Zhao, Y., Jiang, Y., Li, Z., … & Zhu, C.* (2018). Transcranial brain atlas. Science advances, 4(9), eaar6904. (IF=13.6) [PDF]
17. Sun, P. P., Tan, F. L., Zhang, Z., Jiang, Y. H., Zhao, Y., & Zhu, C.* Z. (2018). Feasibility of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to investigate the mirror neuron system: an experimental study in a real-life situation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 86. [PDF]
1. Wang, L., Yu, C., Chen, H., Qin, W., He, Y., Fan, F., … & Zhu, C.* (2010). Dynamic functional reorganization of the motor execution network after stroke. Brain, 133(4), 1224-1238. (694次引用) (IF=14.5)
2. Fan, F., Zhu, C.*, Chen, H., Qin, W., Ji, X., Wang, L., … & Yu, C. (2013). Dynamic brain structural changes after left hemisphere subcortical stroke. Human brain mapping, 34(8), 1872-1881. (96次引用)
3. Wang, L., Zhu, C.*, He, Y., Zang, Y., Cao, Q., Zhang, H., … & Wang, Y. (2009). Altered small‐world brain functional networks in children with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Human brain mapping, 30(2), 638-649. (557次引用)